Mansfield Community Cubby House is Mansfield's only Not-For-Profit Early Childhood Education & Care facility. We are passionate about providing quality childcare services that meet family and community needs, in a safe, welcoming and fun environment that enriches your child's life.

Our Services
Full Day Care
Select days each week
Our permanent full day care provides care for selected days each week on a permanent basis.
Outside School Hours
Primary School Aged Children
Selected Before and After Care sessions are booked for your child each week on a permanent basis
Casual Care
Subject to availability
Casual care is available on selected days and booked no more than one week in advance.
3 Year-Old Kindergarten
Tuesdays & Wednesdays
Available for children eligible for three year old kinder. Children participate in two days worth of educational program in the Rainbow Lorikeets room.
Vacation/Holiday Care
Select days as required
The Cubby House School Holiday Program is run every school holiday and throughout January until school starts.
Our Rooms
Giggling Galahs
3mths - 2yrs

Giggling Galahs is a dedicated indoor and outdoor space at Mansfield Community Cubby House, designed for children aged 3 months up to 2 years old...
Laughing Kookaburras

Laughing Kookaburras is a customised indoor space at Mansfield Community Cubby House for children aged between 2 and 3 years old with access to our large outdoor play area...
Rainbow Lorikeets

You children are exploring their world in a more formal way and some are getting ready for school. We help develop their literacy, problem solving and social skills...

Primary School Aged
Children are engaged in a holistic learning environment that focuses on hands-on learning activities that nurture creativity and critical thinking...
What Parents Think